I thought I was the only one to experience the issue where the computer opponent makes up weird words, but I guess not.
I thought it was just me whose screen periodically fades to black while the computer selects every tile as a word (after having submitted my word and simultaneously running out of time), but again, it appears to be commonplace. And when you exit the game and return to finish the match, youve lost (regardless of progress).
Lastly, youre a loser when you tie on this game. This rule is extremely frustrating and discouraging.
Suggestions: add a "dictionary" feature to allow the user to look-up the last word submitted during gameplay. This would help ease the frustration if those "special" words are in fact real words. The same dictionary engine would be available in the home screen (outside of gameplay) for the user to try and look up words (I think the "Scrabble" app had this feature) to build a smarter, more capable player.
Next, work on the bug that makes the A/I "flip out" if you submit your word right at the end of your time. It literally looks like youre playing with an angry child when it does that.
Finally, change the rule for ties. You could have the user keep their life or have a sudden-death thing where the board is used for one more word (longest word wins the round). In this scenario, words already played would not be allowed, and the rule of having to use a new tile will not apply. Just a few thoughts here...
Jfranco3 about LETTRO Challenges